Health analysis for Joparuija

Please note: If no health information is shown for an animal, this does not necessarily mean that the animal is healthy but merely that no information was provided.
* COI cannot be reliably calculated due to incomplete generations in the pedigree!
Pedigree generated by at 26/3/2025
The information on this page shows a snap-shot of the relevant data available in The Breed Archive at the time the page was created, with no guarantee with regard to the completeness or correctness of the data (the data having been provided by the user community). The Breed Archive accepts no liability with respect to the information shown or any conclusions drawn from it.
Date of birth Year of death Cause of death Canine Multifocal Retinopathy 3 (CMR3) Degenerative myelopathy (DM) Elbows Glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe disease) (GSDII) Hips Progressive retinal atrophy (prcd-PRA) Result of general cardiovascular health checks
15 Mar 1974
0 (null yrs)
11 Jun 1976
0 (null yrs)
Half siblings (sire)
Half siblings (dam)
9 May 1979
0 (null yrs)
11 Apr 1981
0 (null yrs)
Elbows: normal
11 Apr 1981
0 (null yrs)
13 Mar 1990
0 (null yrs)