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Reverse pedigree of Fidelis Duuri

7 (6/1), NLD 2010, Aika Atoisa Suolampi
5 (4/1), GBR 2011, Elbereth Kaisa at Arktinen
3 (1/2), DNK 2011, Gottorp's Joy
8 (4/4), NLD 2011, Djuka Suolampi
7 (?), FRA 2012, Ginger
5 (2/3), CAN 2012, Sugarok Good Golly
6 (3/3), AUS 2012, Findol Fade to Black
6 (3/3), CAN 2014, Peikkovuoren Ruska
3 (1/2), NOR 2014, Woodshine's Serum Serum
5 (1/4), SWE 2014, Herding Instinct's Heidi Klum
6 (1/5), SWE 2015, Black Track's Noblesse
5 (2/3), BEL 2015, Komea van Jacanashof
3 (2/1), NLD 2015, Black Blossom Lady Kristall
2 (1/1), ITA 2016, Peikkovuoren Naavaturkki
6 (2/4), AUS 2016, Dagolas Zeena
3 (1/2), AUS 2018, Lapinluna's Lapintähti
1 (1/0), NLD 2019, Vasaran Barbarossa
* Please note that in case of ancestors with a lot of descendants, a total number cannot be shown. However, you can follow up each litter and load further descendants dynamically.