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Reverse pedigree of Shacal Tiltaltti

4 (3/1), NOR 2015, Hiittanan Paimentyttö
5 (?), NOR 2015, Tuuli av Vintervidda
4 (2/2), SWE 2015, Lapinlumon Hissukka
4 (1/3), NOR 2015, Lapinlumon Harmaasukka
6 (1/5), FIN 2016, Eisenfest Olympia
5 (3/2), FIN 2016, Mikälie Näppärä
7 (6/1), FIN 2016, Eisenfest Rentunruusu
7 (4/3), FIN 2017, Fihtolas Myötätuuli
6 (3/3), GBR 2017, Millermead Quintessence to Glenchess
5 (1/4), GBR 2017, Marymead Moulin Rouge for Pavoskas
3 (2/1), GBR 2017, Infindigo Riemu Emmi
6 (2/4), AUS 2017, Caleebra Armani Acqua
5 (3/2), AUS 2017, Orical Jordie of Chianti (AI)
* Please note that in case of ancestors with a lot of descendants, a total number cannot be shown. However, you can follow up each litter and load further descendants dynamically.